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Introduction to Logistic Regression

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what are the odds

  • Go to RStudio Cloud and open what are the odds
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Outcome variable

  • So far, we've only had continuous (numeric, quantitative) outcome variables ( y )
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Outcome variable

  • So far, we've only had continuous (numeric, quantitative) outcome variables ( y )
  • We've just learned about categorical and binary explanatory variables ( x )
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Outcome variable

  • So far, we've only had continuous (numeric, quantitative) outcome variables ( y )
  • We've just learned about categorical and binary explanatory variables ( x )
  • What if we have a binary outcome variable?
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Outcome variable

What does it mean to be a binary variable?

  • So far, we've only had continuous (numeric, quantitative) outcome variables ( y )
  • We've just learned about categorical and binary explanatory variables ( x )
  • What if we have a binary outcome variable?
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Let's look at an example

  • 446 teens were asked "On an average school night, do you get at least 7 hours of sleep"
  • Outcome is [1 = "Yes", 0 = "No"]
  • Is Age related to this outcome?
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Let's look at an example

  • 446 teens were asked "On an average school night, do you get at least 7 hours of sleep"
  • Outcome is [1 = "Yes", 0 = "No"]
  • Is Age related to this outcome?
  • What if I try to fit this as a linear regression model?
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Let's look at an example

  • 446 teens were asked "On an average school night, do you get at least 7 hours of sleep"
  • Outcome is [1 = "Yes", 0 = "No"]
  • Is Age related to this outcome?
  • What if I try to fit this as a linear regression model?

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Let's look at an example

  • 446 teens were asked "On an average school night, do you get at least 7 hours of sleep"
  • Outcome is [1 = "Yes", 0 = "No"]
  • Is Age related to this outcome?
  • What if I try to fit this as a linear regression model?

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Let's look at an example

  • 446 teens were asked "On an average school night, do you get at least 7 hours of sleep"
  • Outcome is [1 = "Yes", 0 = "No"]
  • Is Age related to this outcome?
  • What if I try to fit this as a linear regression model?

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Let's look at an example

  • Perhaps it would be sensible to find a function that would not extend beyond 0 and 1?

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Let's look at an example

  • Perhaps it would be sensible to find a function that would not extend beyond 0 and 1?

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Let's look at an example

  • Perhaps it would be sensible to find a function that would not extend beyond 0 and 1?

  • this line is fit using logistic regression model
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How does this compare to linear regression?

Model Outcome Form
Ordinary linear Regression Numeric yβ0+β1x
Number of Doctors example Numeric Number of doctorsβ0+β1x
Logistic regression Binary log(π1π)β0+β1x
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How does this compare to linear regression?

Model Outcome Form
Ordinary linear Regression Numeric yβ0+β1x
Number of Doctors example Numeric Number of doctorsβ0+β1x
Logistic regression Binary log(π1π)β0+β1x
  • π is the probability that y=1 ( P(y=1) )
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  • log(π1π): the "log odds"
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  • log(π1π): the "log odds"
  • π is the probability that y=1 - the probability that your outcome is 1.
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  • log(π1π): the "log odds"
  • π is the probability that y=1 - the probability that your outcome is 1.
  • π1π is a ratio representing the odds that y=1
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  • log(π1π): the "log odds"
  • π is the probability that y=1 - the probability that your outcome is 1.
  • π1π is a ratio representing the odds that y=1
  • log(π1π) is the log odds
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  • log(π1π): the "log odds"
  • π is the probability that y=1 - the probability that your outcome is 1.
  • π1π is a ratio representing the odds that y=1
  • log(π1π) is the log odds
  • The transformation from π to log(π1π) is called the logistic or logit transformation
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • 👛 if I flip a fair coin, what is the probability that I'd get heads?
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • 👛 if I flip a fair coin, what is the probability that I'd get heads?
    • p=0.5
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • 👛 if I flip a fair coin, what is the probability that I'd get heads?
    • p=0.5
  • What is the probability that I'd get tails?
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • 👛 if I flip a fair coin, what is the probability that I'd get heads?
    • p=0.5
  • What is the probability that I'd get tails?
    • 1p=0.5
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • 👛 if I flip a fair coin, what is the probability that I'd get heads?
    • p=0.5
  • What is the probability that I'd get tails?
    • 1p=0.5
    • The odds are 1:1, 0.5:0.5
  • the odds can be written as p1p=0.50.5=1
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • ☔ Let's say there is a 60% chance of rain today
  • What is the probability that it will rain?
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • ☔ Let's say there is a 60% chance of rain today
  • What is the probability that it will rain?
    • p=0.6
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • ☔ Let's say there is a 60% chance of rain today
  • What is the probability that it will rain?
    • p=0.6
  • What is the probability that it won't rain?
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • ☔ Let's say there is a 60% chance of rain today
  • What is the probability that it will rain?
    • p=0.6
  • What is the probability that it won't rain?
    • 1p=0.4
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • ☔ Let's say there is a 60% chance of rain today
  • What is the probability that it will rain?
    • p=0.6
  • What is the probability that it won't rain?
    • 1p=0.4
  • What are the odds that it will rain?
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A bit about "odds"

  • The "odds" tell you how likely an event is
  • ☔ Let's say there is a 60% chance of rain today
  • What is the probability that it will rain?
    • p=0.6
  • What is the probability that it won't rain?
    • 1p=0.4
  • What are the odds that it will rain?
    • 3 to 2, 3:2, 0.60.4=1.5
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Transforming logs

  • How do you "undo" a log base e?
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Transforming logs

  • How do you "undo" a log base e?
  • Use e! For example:
    • elog(10)=10
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Transforming logs

  • How do you "undo" a log base e?
  • Use e! For example:
    • elog(10)=10
    • elog(1283)=1283
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Transforming logs

  • How do you "undo" a log base e?
  • Use e! For example:
    • elog(10)=10
    • elog(1283)=1283
    • elog(x)=x
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Transforming logs

How would you get the odds from the log(odds)?

  • How do you "undo" a log base e?
  • Use e! For example:
    • elog(10)=10
    • elog(1283)=1283
    • elog(x)=x
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Transforming logs

How would you get the odds from the log(odds)?

  • How do you "undo" a log base e?
  • Use e! For example:
    • elog(10)=10
    • elog(1283)=1283
    • elog(x)=x
    • elog(odds) = odds
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Transforming odds

  • odds = π1π
  • Solving for π
    • π=odds1+odds
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Transforming odds

  • odds = π1π
  • Solving for π
    • π=odds1+odds
  • Plugging in elog(odds) = odds
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Transforming odds

  • odds = π1π
  • Solving for π
    • π=odds1+odds
  • Plugging in elog(odds) = odds
    • π=elog(odds)1+elog(odds)
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Transforming odds

  • odds = π1π
  • Solving for π
    • π=odds1+odds
  • Plugging in elog(odds) = odds
    • π=elog(odds)1+elog(odds)
  • Plugging in log(odds)=β0+β1x
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Transforming odds

  • odds = π1π
  • Solving for π
    • π=odds1+odds
  • Plugging in elog(odds) = odds
    • π=elog(odds)1+elog(odds)
  • Plugging in log(odds)=β0+β1x
    • π=eβ0+β1x1+eβ0+β1x
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The logistic model

  • ✌️ forms
Form Model
Logit form log(π1π)=β0+β1x
Probability form π=eβ0+β1x1+eβ0+β1x
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The logistic model

probability odds log(odds)
π π1π log(π1π)=l
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The logistic model

probability odds log(odds)
π π1π log(π1π)=l


log(odds) odds probability
l el el1+el=π
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The logistic model

  • ✌️ forms
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The logistic model

  • ✌️ forms
  • log(odds): lβ0+β1x
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The logistic model

  • ✌️ forms
  • log(odds): lβ0+β1x
  • P(Outcome = Yes): πeβ0+β1x1+eβ0+β1x
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what are the odds

  • Go to RStudio Cloud and open what are the odds
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  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
ggplot(MedGPA, aes(Accept, GPA)) +
geom_boxplot() +

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What is the equation for the model we are going to fit?

  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
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What is the equation for the model we are going to fit?

  • log(odds)=β0+β1GPA
  • P(Accept) eβ0+β1GPA1+eβ0+β1GPA
  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
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  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
glm(Accept ~ GPA, data = MedGPA,
family = "binomial")
## Call: glm(formula = Accept ~ GPA, family = "binomial", data = MedGPA)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) GPA
## 19.21 -5.45
## Degrees of Freedom: 54 Total (i.e. Null); 53 Residual
## Null Deviance: 75.8
## Residual Deviance: 56.8 AIC: 60.8
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  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
glm(Accept ~ GPA, data = MedGPA,
family = "binomial") %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## term estimate std.error statistic p.value
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) 19.2 5.63 3.41 0.000644
## 2 GPA -5.45 1.58 -3.45 0.000553
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  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
glm(Accept ~ GPA, data = MedGPA,
family = "binomial") %>%
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## -0.538 -1.737 1.590 -0.919 0.771 -1.083 -2.010 0.990 -1.028 -2.010
## 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
## -2.447 0.171 -1.356 -0.483 1.208 -0.101 -0.701 -0.101 1.480 -2.010
## 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
## -1.028 -1.356 -2.119 -1.956 -0.865 -0.210 0.444 -0.319 0.662 -1.628
## 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
## -0.538 2.353 -2.010 -0.974 1.535 -1.847 -0.101 0.662 -1.901 2.080
## 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
## 0.826 0.771 -0.538 -2.283 0.826 0.881 -2.447 2.626 1.262 -0.810
## 51 52 53 54 55
## 4.371 -0.210 0.226 3.935 0.444
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  • We are interested in the probability of getting accepted to medical school given a college student's GPA
glm(Accept ~ GPA, data = MedGPA,
family = "binomial") %>%
predict(type = "response")
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 0.3688 0.1496 0.8306 0.2851 0.6838 0.2529 0.1181 0.7290 0.2634 0.1181
## 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
## 0.0797 0.5428 0.2049 0.3815 0.7699 0.4747 0.3315 0.4747 0.8146 0.1181
## 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
## 0.2634 0.2049 0.1072 0.1239 0.2963 0.4476 0.6093 0.4208 0.6598 0.1640
## 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
## 0.3688 0.9132 0.1181 0.2741 0.8227 0.1363 0.4747 0.6598 0.1300 0.8890
## 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
## 0.6955 0.6838 0.3688 0.0925 0.6955 0.7069 0.0797 0.9325 0.7794 0.3078
## 51 52 53 54 55
## 0.9875 0.4476 0.5563 0.9808 0.6093
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what are the odds

  • Go to RStudio Cloud and open what are the odds
  • load the Stat2Data, tidyverse, and broom libraries
  • load data("MedGPA")
  • fit the appropriate model predicting MCAT from GPA
  • fit the appropriate model predicting Accept from GPA
  • How do you think you interpret the coefficient for GPA in the second model?
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what are the odds

  • Go to RStudio Cloud and open what are the odds
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