If we use the same sampling method to select different samples and computed an interval estimate for each sample, we would expect the true population parameter ( β1 ) to fall within the interval estimates 95% of the time.
How do we calculate the confidence interval for the slope?
How do we calculate the confidence interval for the slope?
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, Sparrows) %>% tidy(conf.int = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 2 x 7## term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>## 1 (Intercept) 1.37 0.957 1.43 1.56e- 1 -0.531 3.26 ## 2 WingLength 0.467 0.0347 13.5 2.62e-25 0.399 0.536
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, Sparrows) %>% tidy(conf.int = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 2 x 7## term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>## 1 (Intercept) 1.37 0.957 1.43 1.56e- 1 -0.531 3.26 ## 2 WingLength 0.467 0.0347 13.5 2.62e-25 0.399 0.536
t_star <- qt(0.025, df = 116 - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)# ort_star <- qt(0.975, df = 116 - 2)
0.467 - t_star * 0.0347
## [1] 0.3982596
0.467 + t_star * 0.0347
## [1] 0.5357404
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
There are ✌️ other types of confidence intervals we may want to calculate
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
confidence interval for μy and prediction interval
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict()
## 1 2 3 ## 14.92020 15.85501 13.05059
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict()
## 1 2 3 ## 14.92020 15.85501 13.05059
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict(interval = "confidence")
## fit lwr upr## 1 14.92020 14.63801 15.20240## 2 15.85501 15.49396 16.21607## 3 13.05059 12.74776 13.35342
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict()
## 1 2 3 ## 14.92020 15.85501 13.05059
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict(interval = "confidence")
## fit lwr upr## 1 14.92020 14.63801 15.20240## 2 15.85501 15.49396 16.21607## 3 13.05059 12.74776 13.35342
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict(interval = "prediction")
## WARNING predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses
## fit lwr upr## 1 14.92020 12.13329 17.70712## 2 15.85501 13.05902 18.65101## 3 13.05059 10.26151 15.83966
What if we have new data?
new_sparrows <- data.frame( WingLength = c(30, 28, 25))new_sparrows
## WingLength## 1 30## 2 28## 3 25
What if we have new data?
new_sparrows <- data.frame( WingLength = c(30, 28, 25))new_sparrows
## WingLength## 1 30## 2 28## 3 25
lm(Weight ~ WingLength, data = Sparrows) %>% predict(newdata = new_sparrows, interval = "prediction")
## fit lwr upr## 1 15.38761 12.59700 18.17822## 2 14.45280 11.66790 17.23771## 3 13.05059 10.26151 15.83966
If we use the same sampling method to select different samples and computed an interval estimate for each sample, we would expect the true population parameter ( β1 ) to fall within the interval estimates 95% of the time.
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